February 21, 2023 • John Miller

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SECCPC2307 - Session 7

Full Transcript

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In this session, we will focus on the holiness of God. Isaiah 6 is a great passage to understand this attribute of God. This is the most important attribute of God, and everything about him is holy.

Isaiah has a vision of God on his throne, with the seraphim singing, "holy, holy, holy." This repetition emphasizes the holiness of God. The holiness of God is seen in creation, his law, his judgment, the tabernacle and the priesthood, and most of all in Jesus Christ.

In creation, God's holiness is seen in the perfection and beauty of everything he made. In his law, we see a reflection of his holiness. The law of the Lord is perfect and converting to the soul. In his judgment, we see his holiness in the fact that everything he does is righteous and good. In the tabernacle and the priesthood, everything symbolizes the holiness of God.

But most of all, we see the holiness of God in Jesus Christ. Jesus' birth was holy, as he was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of a virgin. His baptism was holy, as the Holy Spirit descended on him and God the Father affirmed him as his beloved Son. His temptation was holy, as he resisted Satan's temptations and remained sinless. His death and resurrection were holy, as he conquered sin and death to reconcile us with God.

So let's take a moment to reflect on the holiness of God. Everything about him is holy, and we should strive to understand and appreciate this attribute.





