February 21, 2023 • John Spencer

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SECCPC2308 - Session 8

Full Transcript

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<aside> 🗒️ Summary

Our topic today is the Majesty of God. When we think of majesty, we often think of royalty and kings and queens who sit on thrones and are elevated above their subjects. But when we talk about the Majesty of God, we are talking about something far greater. He is high and lofty, eternal, and holy.

Isaiah describes God as the high and lofty one who inhabits eternity, whose name is holy. He is a God who is far above us, and his power and holiness are beyond our understanding. It's easy for us to try and bring God down to our level so that we can relate to him better, but in doing so, we risk losing the sense of awe and reverence that we should have for him.

At the same time, God also dwells among those who are crushed, lowly, and humble. Jesus spent time with people who were considered lowly and outcasts, revealing his majesty in ways that they never imagined. In Luke 8, when Jesus calmed the storm, the disciples marveled at his power over nature. He is a high and holy God, but he also dwells among us, and we should never forget the majesty of who he is.

As we go through life, we encounter many situations where we feel small and insignificant. But when we remember the Majesty of God, we are reminded that we are never alone. He is with us always, and we can draw strength and comfort from his presence. Let us never forget the greatness of our God and the majesty of who he is.





