February 22, 2023 • David Guzik

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SECCPC2309 - Session 9

Full Transcript

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<aside> 🗒️ Summary

In Session 9, we explore the mercy of God, which was the first attribute revealed to Moses when God descended in the cloud and proclaimed his name. In Exodus Chapter 34, verse five, God led with mercy. The Hebrew word for merciful, "raun," carries the idea of compassionate love that prompts mercy. It is a beautiful aspect of God's nature that he is merciful towards us, even though we do not deserve it.

God is also merciful in the sense of "hassed," a concept that combines loyalty to a covenant with both love and mercy. This covenant love is a beautiful picture of God's mercy that flows out freely from him. We can see how God's mercy is free, never obligated, and overflowing. His mercies are new every morning, and they flow out from him in abundance.

God's mercy is seen in his forbearance and appeals to humanity to repent and believe. It is amazing to see God's forbearance towards sin, which is commonly regarded as his disregard of sin. God is so forbearing towards sin that it is only his mercy that stops the sinner from going straight to hell.

God is quick to show mercy, but slow to show wrath and judgment. It is important to note that both aspects of God's character are essential, and they work together in beautiful harmony. However, it is God's mercy that led him to send his son Jesus to die for our sins so that we could be reconciled to him.

In conclusion, God's mercy is a beautiful and essential aspect of his nature that we cannot help but marvel at. His mercy is free, overflowing, and seen in his forbearance and appeals to repentance. It is a reminder that even though we do not deserve it, God is always there to extend his love and mercy towards us.




