<img src="/icons/row_green.svg" alt="/icons/row_green.svg" width="40px" /> Table of Contents
Prayers for Horizon Ministries
<img src="notion://custom_emoji/fc68f321-7244-4d66-87c7-9595858cfc8b/12ec7e30-993d-8011-8a11-007ad81ad194" alt="notion://custom_emoji/fc68f321-7244-4d66-87c7-9595858cfc8b/12ec7e30-993d-8011-8a11-007ad81ad194" width="40px" /> Horizon Indy
- Humility in seeking the Lord during this time of prayer
- Softness and sensitive to the Holy Spirit
- Hunger for the Word
- That Jesus would reveal areas in our lives personally and church wide that needs to be repented of and brought under the lordship of Jesus
- Grow in our love and longing to know the Lord
- Grow in our boldness and compassion towards people who are not saved. That God would use us to see people born again
<img src="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/fc68f321-7244-4d66-87c7-9595858cfc8b/943e1cb2-6dae-4c9f-9c47-a772d9b1c411/web_favicon.png" alt="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/fc68f321-7244-4d66-87c7-9595858cfc8b/943e1cb2-6dae-4c9f-9c47-a772d9b1c411/web_favicon.png" width="40px" /> Calvary Chapel Bible College
- Constant need for student unity, and serving one another
- A development of greater holiness, and some of the hearts of the students
- The Lord would bring those students he wants here for the spring semester
- An anointing on each of the teachers that each teaching class would be powerful
<img src="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/fc68f321-7244-4d66-87c7-9595858cfc8b/a7fa4d85-dd00-496a-ac67-ea14ee40cf36/Camp-Indy-Logo-Big.png" alt="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/fc68f321-7244-4d66-87c7-9595858cfc8b/a7fa4d85-dd00-496a-ac67-ea14ee40cf36/Camp-Indy-Logo-Big.png" width="40px" /> Camp Indy 2025
- Preparation to be lead by Him
- 2025 Theme: Jesus glorified in you and you in Him!
- Will be in I & 2 Thessalonians for staff devos
- Cool group & what book to go through with the kids?
- Staff
- Counselors
- Leadership staff
- Scions- 13-15 year old counselors in training
- Gospel Thursdays
- Discipleship
- Favor with the weather
- Families of our campers
- Provision
- Campers that responded to the good news of Jesus this past summer and for them to grow in Him.
- Past staff to walk with Jesus, and in Jesus
- Growing passion for reading and sharing the Word
<img src="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/fc68f321-7244-4d66-87c7-9595858cfc8b/cb8d4f6e-ef98-46b3-b069-247e391e751a/socialmedia-twitter-profile.png" alt="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/fc68f321-7244-4d66-87c7-9595858cfc8b/cb8d4f6e-ef98-46b3-b069-247e391e751a/socialmedia-twitter-profile.png" width="40px" /> Horizon University
- Pray for the growth we have seen in enrollment, that we will serve well all those the Lord sends to us
- Pray for students to keep their relationship with Jesus the priority while dealing with the pressures of course assignments
- Pray for instructors to be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit as they teach
- Pray for the Board and Administration to remain fiercely true to our mission with a clear vision for what’s next in our future
<img src="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/fc68f321-7244-4d66-87c7-9595858cfc8b/4a8208f9-a40a-4989-b6ef-b5f407186308/horizon_lionhead_3D.png" alt="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/fc68f321-7244-4d66-87c7-9595858cfc8b/4a8208f9-a40a-4989-b6ef-b5f407186308/horizon_lionhead_3D.png" width="40px" /> Horizon Christian School
- Pray for students, teachers, and staff to grow in their faith, deepening their relationship with Christ. May the school’s environment nurture spiritual growth and encourage students to live out their faith.
- Pray for God’s guidance and wisdom for the school’s leaders, administration, and board members. Pray that they make decisions that align with God’s vision for the school
- Pray for teachers as they balance academic excellence with biblical teaching. May they have the resources, support, and encouragement they need to provide quality education while preparing them for eternity
- Pray for strong relationships among parents, students, staff, and the wider community. May they come together to support the school’s mission, and may there be unity, understanding, and shared purpose in all they do
- Pray for God to provide the necessary financial resources to support the school’s growth, including facilities, scholarships, and program expansions
- Pray for the students who do not know Jesus or those who are struggling in their walks with Jesus. Pray they would know that they were made for today and today was made for them and they do not have to live in fear or worry
<img src="/icons/flash_green.svg" alt="/icons/flash_green.svg" width="40px" /> Youth
- Salvation for the lost youth
- For new relationships to form with all the new kids coming to youth group
- Anger, bitterness, cliques would have no place in youth group
- Leaders in youth group would have breakthroughs with the kids
- Worship would be Spirit led and the students growing into leading worship would surrender their hearts completely
- The Word would be taught faithfully and the truth be spoken in love
- The Youth would genuinely ENJOY JESUS
- The Youth would find their identity in the Lord rather than seeking the avenues of the world.
- For the kids be intentional and serious about their walk with the Lord. Truly having a desire to Love God, as well as grow in Loving each other!
- Jr High Guys Discipleship: That the Lord would use Me and Jake Lange, to disciple these young men on what it means to be a man that follows after the Lord. To give us wisdom to push them mentally, physically, and spiritually! That the kids would be intentional as they walk through it!
- Jr High Epics: Safety, wisdom, direction. As we take the kids on wild but fun excursions - That they would have fun and do challenging things. Both while making memories and having sweet time with the Lord!
- Leader: It takes many hands to help Youth Group and events happen - “Green grass and still waters.” We have such an amazing team! Prayer that they would be refreshed and renewed! That doors would continue to be opened for discipleship with Youth!
<img src="/icons/pentagon-alternate_green.svg" alt="/icons/pentagon-alternate_green.svg" width="40px" /> Young Adults
- This generation would be a light and be serious about the things of the Lord
- Hearts to serve one another well, others well
- Simply to ENJOY JESUS, not be so distracted with life and the daily grind that we miss out on simply enjoying the KING
- Open doors for Discipleship, opportunities to serve, mission trips, wisdom, protection
- Reaching peers in this generation (1 Chronicles 12:32), that the word sown in both Bible college and YA will take root and bear much fruit (Psalm 1)
- How to love each person as they walk into our lives
- More and more people who are willing to wrestle with their faith or lack of faith
<img src="/icons/hammer_green.svg" alt="/icons/hammer_green.svg" width="40px" /> Men’s Ministry
- For the men of Horizon to be men of God, surrendered to Jesus, walking in the Spirit, leaders in their homes and community. That they would be salt and light everywhere they go
- That they would reject the spirit of passivity and embrace that the man of God stands up for righteousness by the grace of God
- That they would worship the Lord loudly and boldly so their families and those around the know that they are not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
<img src="/icons/daisy_green.svg" alt="/icons/daisy_green.svg" width="40px" /> Women’s Ministry
- Unity among all of the women
- That the older would teach the younger in the Titus 2 model
- That the dessert would be an outreach to friends and family
- That all of Horizon’s women would be in His Word and at His feet
- That we would be women of prayer
<img src="/icons/geography_green.svg" alt="/icons/geography_green.svg" width="40px" /> Missions
- That all of our missionaries would have a fresh filling of the Spirit, their souls would be rejuvenated by the hope of the Gospel, and their hands would be strengthened for ministry.
- Pray for opportunities for our church to reach out to our local community with practical ministry and the good news of the Gospel. Please pray for revival in Indianapolis.
<img src="/icons/pretzel_green.svg" alt="/icons/pretzel_green.svg" width="40px" /> Counseling Ministry
- Management of counseling schedule…many right now!
- Pray for creation of teaching modules online for biblical counseling
- Pray for time to teach/prepare with heavy counseling schedule
- Pray for marriages that are struggling
- And for those struggling in addiction
<img src="notion://custom_emoji/fc68f321-7244-4d66-87c7-9595858cfc8b/130c7e30-993d-8082-a526-007a21eab3c9" alt="notion://custom_emoji/fc68f321-7244-4d66-87c7-9595858cfc8b/130c7e30-993d-8082-a526-007a21eab3c9" width="40px" /> Maintenance Team
- Upcoming busy season (Patience/Wisdom/Energy - and that nothing breaks in the middle of an important event!)
- Grateful for a fully staffed mgmt team now - encouragement to grow and start hitting milestones for accomplishing vision and goals.
<img src="/icons/feather_green.svg" alt="/icons/feather_green.svg" width="40px" /> Arise to Freedom - Addictions Ministry
- Please pray for those struggling at Horizon with addiction or life-controlling issues; they would receive both forgiveness and freedom in Christ
- Please pray the Lord would use Arise to impact our community with the gospel to those struggling with addiction
- Please pray for those that have family members who struggle in addiction; the Lord would both place them beside still waters and give them peace in the midst of storms
- Please pray for a needed Family Group leader and volunteers for childcare
- Please pray for those involved in leadership; the Lord would be a shield to those that enter into battle.
<img src="/icons/child_green.svg" alt="/icons/child_green.svg" width="40px" /> Children, Awana, & VBS
- Please pray for the children to be loved, served, and shepherded through the Children’s Ministry and by the power of the Holy Spirit
- Children to come to know, love, and serve, the Lord Jesus Christ
- A revival in our nation that would start with her children and youth
- More eager nursery through preschool volunteers to serve on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights at church
- The children to have a love for prayer, a heart for worship, and a thirst for righteousness
- God‘s word to transform children’s lives into the image of Jesus Christ
- Fresh anointing and sustaining strength for all those who serve and minister to the children at Horizon
- God‘s continued provision, wisdom, and direction for the Children’s Ministry
- Good health and unity for all those who serve and minister to the children at Horizon
- The Lord to fill all those who are serving the children with joy, patience, and
Christlike love
- God’s spirit to revive and stir up His church to minister to the children and youth
at Horizon
- Revival and fresh anointing from the Holy Spirit upon His people
- The Awana Ministry to help children to come to know, love, and serve Jesus!
- The Awana Ministry to reach children, equip leaders, and change the world!
- The Lord‘s peace, provision, protection and sustaining strength for all those who serve in the Awana Ministry. Please pray for more than enough volunteers!
- Great diligence, unity, and spiritual protection over the AWANA leadership team and all those involved in serving the children!
- Please pray for God’s Word to transform lives for His glory!
- Wisdom, good health, endurance, and a fresh filling of the Holy Spirit for all those who serve the children of the church.
- The Lord to draw children closer to Him and to bring the right number of children for
each age group and club.
- The volunteers to faithfully serve and walk in wisdom, unity, love, and humility.
- Parents to use the Awana materials as a discipleship tool and resource for their children.
<img src="/icons/arrow-right_green.svg" alt="/icons/arrow-right_green.svg" width="40px" /> Prayer Ministry
<img src="/icons/electric-plug_green.svg" alt="/icons/electric-plug_green.svg" width="40px" /> Connections Ministry